

Sub Category: Dehorner

Catalogue No: 744553, 744551, 744441, 744553 – A

Title: Dehorner

Mini Description:

 Dehorner is a cattle tool use for dehorning the horns can prevent cows from being injured by fighting, especially if the cow’s breasts are not damaged by other cows.

 Full Description:

 Dehorner is a cattle tool use for dehorning the horns can prevent cows from being injured by fighting, especially if the cow’s breasts are not damaged by other cows. The cattle that dehorn the horns are quiet and easy to manage. After removing the horns, the area of the cow bed and the shed is small. Especially for cattle raised in groups, it is more important to dehorn the horns. Removal of horns must be carried out at the age of the cows, usually within one week of the cow’s birth or no more than two months at the latest. Because the cows are removed at a young age, the cows are easy to control, have less bleeding, less painful and less susceptible to bacterial infection.


 Electric Dehorner 220v, 200 Watt

Non Electric Dehorner

Gas Dehorner


Tags: Dehorning

Reusable or Disposable: Reusable
Sterile or Non-Sterile:  Non – Sterile

Packing:  Individual packed